Indigenous community work

The establishment of a joint venture with the Lombadina community and Mobecrete and Construction pty ltd, came from a mutual friendship formed after a trip to Lombadina.

Mobecrete Director Richard Snell, after some discussions with Richard Sibosado, a senior member of the Lombadina community, on one of these trips, about Mobecrete’s business and capability created interest which led to the idea of developing a joint venture.

At the time, Mobecrete had a batching plant available, a bobcat and two agitator trucks that were underutilised.

The trucks, bobcat and batching plant were transported to Lombadina to begin a long lasting business arrangement. Lombadina already had some of their own equipment which added to the capability of the venture. The two friends also found and established, a sand pit with good quality sand for Lombadina. This reduced costs due to not having to transport the sand from Broome.